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Manifestation Magic Review

Manifestation Magic Review

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The most common reason why people get self-help guides and attraction mindset products is in order that they can attract wealth. The majority of people will agree that extra money is always useful and this Manifestation Magic Review won’t disappoint.

With all the guides and products out there, you’d think everyone should already be rich and living an abundant life. Yet, many people have a daily financial struggle.

When we found the “Manifestation Magic” website, we asked ourselves, “Do people really need another law of attraction product?”

Trying not to be sceptical, we decided we would review this product… and provide you with our honest opinion about it.

Manifestation Magic consists of brainwave entrainment frequencies that you listen to on a series of audio tracks. You’re meant to listen to these tracks as you go to sleep, because this is the time your brain is more receptive and able to absorb the hypnotic suggestions.

Of course that is when there are less external and internal distractions. It’s an excellent theory.

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What’s Included:

Before checking out Manifestation Magic, let’s see what’s included – and there is quite a lot.

  • Quick Start Manifestation Guide (PDF, Kindle, iBook versions)
  • Twilight Transformation Energy Orbiting Track
  • 7 “Energy Orbiting” Tracks to Enhance Chakra Wealth Energy.
  • The “Push Play” Audio App
  • 60-Day, Money-Back Guarantee
  • Bonus #1 – Chakra Power System
  • Bonus #2 – 360 Transformation System
  • 2 Surprise Bonuses – The Abundance Miracle System & 7 Sacred Signs

This package doesn’t disappoint. It’s surprising to receive such a lot of content for a reasonably low investment.

Manifestation Magic is an all-in-one system that has more information than most books on this subject… BUT… is having lots of content enough?

Not if it doesn’t answer one VERY IMPORTANT question…

Will Manifestation Magic Work For You?

  • Actions that matter: The main issue we have with books like ‘The Secret‘ is that they only ask you to think positively to create results. This optimistic approach to manifesting wealth or any other thing you want sounds great, but on it’s own doesn’t work very often. You also have to take action and Manifestation magic is an audio package that you need to listen to. This is action. It’s not difficult – but it’s necessary.
  • Builds a strong foundation: The rationale behind Manifestation Magic and the reason it has positive testimonials is the science used to create it. You’re simply directed from a place of lack towards abundance. This is pivotal to achieving success. It helps you create thought patterns within your mind that improve your focus, making your goals easier to stick to. This works whether your goal is money, health or relationships.
  • Designed by experts: The sonic landscape within the audios instigate a calm state of mind, so you don’t lose focus or go back on the pledges you made to yourself. Manifestation Magic doesn’t just cover wealth. It looks to fix the basic root issues in the way you think that’s sabotaging every part of your life. It will help you to get healthy and stay that way. Being creatures of habit it’s hard to do this only using books. Listening to these audio tracks can dig deep into the mind and fix the instabilities in our thinking that sabotage our efforts. Manifestation Magic is proving better at this than any book we have seen.
  • Consistency:By listening to the tracks on a daily basis, Manifestation Magic starts to build thought patterns and habits without you being aware of it. Your mindset becomes more positive and your thinking is elevated to the next level.
  • Clearing out the trash: If you’re still thinking in the old way, trying to use positive thinking is difficult. It’s like putting make up on a rash so you can’t see it. You’ve go to tackle the problem. Manifestation magic uses its audio sessions, called “Energy Orbiting”  to work on clearing the blocks to abundance that linger in your mind. By doing this, it will clear your path to manifest miracles.
  • All-Encompassing System:  At first glance, Manifestation magic seemed like just another standard self-help product. We were mistaken. It includes a QuickStart guide, energy orbiting audios and about 14 bonus tracks. These can help you improve your wealth, love life, spirituality, etc. It’s such a lot more than just a product for creating wealth and it lives up to its promises.
  • Easy to use: We can’t deny that it’s easier to listen to an audio track instead of forcing yourself to sit down and try to visualize positive images, especially when distractions are going on around you. Manifestation Magic offers a practical and down-to-earth solution, that realises you have to make changes WITHIN to make it easier to change your life. It’s easier to start with a clean slate. We loved the audio tracks with the gentle pulsating sounds!
  • Genuine Testimonials: Go to the official sales page to see genuine reviews from customers who have tried the Manifesting Magic and seen changes in their life. That’s social proof that the audio tracks deliver on the promise.
  • Instant access: Everything in this product is digital.  So you get instant access to start making changes straight away. No shipping costs or delays.
  • 60-Day Refund Guarantee: This offer alone shows the confidence that Alexander has in his product. He has given you plenty of time to try it out and make changes in your life.

If it doesn’t work, you can always get a refund. We’re predicting that you won’t because of the magic that Manifestation Magic will add to your life. Still, there’s no risk.

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What are Subliminal Messages and NLP?

Subliminal messages have been used for many years. Labels like ‘self-hypnosis’, ‘binaural beats’ etc. are normally used for sound tracks that work on changing your subconscious while you’re sleeping. They’re easy to use because they don’t need much effort on your part. Just apply them when you’re in a sleepy and more suggestive state.

NLP means neurolinguistic programming and it was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It’s used to help you alter your behavioural patterns by changing your neurological processes. It’s producing different results by changing your habits.

Manifestation Magic is so powerful because the audio tracks within the program incorporate both subliminal messages and NLP.  That means these audio tracks are more potent and effective.

Any downsides to the present product?

There are some downsides. No product is perfect… and thankfully, the 2 issues we could find were minor.

1) It’s only available to buy online. You won’t be able to purchase this product from any high street store. Because it is a digital product and you have to have a computer and an internet connection to access and download it.

It was made this way intentionally by the vendors in order that they could drive the production costs down and keep it affordable to as many people as possible.

2) Audio tracks aren’t always suitable for people.  Some find the frequency of the tracks a bit jarring causing difficulty listening to them. This is usually only a small minority – but it does happen.

There is good news about that, you simply contact the support team of Manifestation Magic and they’ll sort you out a new mix of the audio track with a special frequency just for you – and they will do that for FREE! Great customer support here.

Should You Buy It?

We would say, definitely! This product delivers exactly what it says. The guarantee means you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

If you struggle with visualization this bridges the gap and gives accelerated results. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle.

You need to take action if you want to see results. Listening to the audio tracks is an action you can take that will change your life quickly and bring you good health.

If you’re looking for your dream home, the new car you’ve always wanted, plenty of money in the bank and the financial freedom to transform your life, it’s within reach. It may seem like hype, and we were sceptical too… but Manifestation Magic does give you the edge you need, to make your dreams a reality.

Give it a try and you wont’ regret it.


manifesting magic

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Like most people I was interested in improving my lot in life. After watching "The Secret" I was hooked on finding out more and I want to share my findings with as many people as possible. "To give is to receive" so pass it forward.

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